Amarillo Demographics As Of 2020

Amarillo Demographics As Of 2020

As of 2018 census, the total population of Amarillo, Texas is 198,924, from which 91.8% are citizens. In 2017, the median age was 33.7 and native-born citizens were generally younger (33 years old) than foreign-born citizens (38 years old). The majority of residents are White (55.5%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (31.8%), and African American (6.18%). 91.8% of its people were US citizens which is lower than the U.S. National average of 93.2%. 

The largest universities in Amarillo are Amarillo College with 2,084 degrees awarded in 2017, Milan Institute-Amarillo with 95 degrees awarded, and Wade Gordon Hairdressing Academy with 32 degrees awarded. Female students received more degrees (1,274 degrees awarded to women) compared to men who received degrees that year (988). 

In 2017, the median property value in Amarillo is $123,200 which is higher compared to the 2016 housing median of $120,500. As of 2019, 33.4% are renter-occupied and 59% are owner-occupied. The largest share of households pays a $3k+ average range in property taxes. The average commuters in Amarillo spend an average of 17.3 minutes to work from their home to their work location which is shorter than the average commute time of a U.S. worker which is 25.1 minutes. Most workers drive alone going to work (82.1%) while the rest carpool (12.8%). 2.26% has work from home setup. The largest share of the household owns two cars.

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